Wednesday, August 10, 2011

“I f You Can Conceive It, You Can Achieve It”

Before brain imaging technology, the efficacy of hypnosis as a viable therapeutic approach was difficult to prove up in the literature.  Today, cutting edge research such as brain imaging, and gene assay technology shows literal changes in the brain when we are in a focused state of altered conscious, or hypnotic states. These changes stimulate neural growth in our brain-literally re-wiring it in a process called Neuroplasticity.  Simply put, therapies that focus on positive change in ways of thinking make changes in the brain and in behavior. Good old fashioned hypnosis is found at the root of many of these approaches such as meditation, mindful meditation, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, and others, and seems to be the vehicle for the mechanism for “brain change”.  In fact, current studies that rely on high tech measurement tools rather than case studies and self report instruments are bringing exciting evidence into the arena that mental training can stimulate Neuroplastic changes in the adult human brain (Slagter et al., 2007).

The possibilities are endless from a therapeutic perspective! With acceptance in the field of mental health, Clinical Hypnosis is widely applicable. Results are usually experienced in few sessions, sometimes in only one, making it relatively inexpensive compared to the average of twenty visits with other therapies. Current research supports clinical hypnosis in the relief of suffering surrounding many issues and difficult to treat disorders such as: 

Just to name a few! The application of Clinical Hypnosis often yields phenomenal results in a short amount of time.  From any of the challenging situations listed above, to simply checking one’s own negative self speak, Clinical Hypnosis can help us in changing the way think, thereby changing the way we feel; enhancing our own self-efficacy, self regulation, and successful performance in all facets of living.

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